Monte is a powerful astrodynamic and navigation computing library produced by NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL). The following talk from SciPy 2016 gives an introduction to Monte and its applications for space mission design and operations.
MONTE Python for Deep Space Navigation, SciPy 2016
Monte can be licensed from CalTech/JPL for government, academic, and commercial use. For more information, visit the Monte project homepage.
I occasionally publish articles about Monte on the Astroceanic Medium page, with direct links below.
- Origins of Monte
Software projects, like humans, benefit by standing on the shoulders of giants. Read about Monte’s long legacy stretching back to the dawn of the Space Age. - Monte in Flight
Monte has contributed to the success of over 25 space missions, each of which have left their own mark on the software.
Monte Conference and Journal Papers
Publicly available
- MONTE Python for Deep Space Navigation, Proc. of the 15th Python in Science Conf. (SCIPY), 2016.
- MONTE’s Client-Based Trajectory Propagation Architecture, Proc. of the AIAA/AAS Astrodynamics Specialist Conference, 2016.
- Monte for Orbit Determination, Proc. of the 26th International Symposium on Space Flight Dynamics (ISSFD), 2017.
- MONTE: the next generation of mission design and navigation software, CEAS Space Journal, 2018.
The following papers sit behind a paywall. If you email me directly at, I am happy to send them to you free of charge.
- Distributed Parameter System for Optimization and Filtering in Astrodynamic Software, Proc. of the 26th AAS/AIAA Space Flight Mechanics Meeting, 2016.
(article) Insider’s Cassini: The Cassini Navigation Transition-in-ops Experience, 2012.